Shared Food Vision for Cape Breton-Unama’ki
The Island Food Network is proud to present a Shared Food Vision for Cape Breton-Unama’ki. This Shared Food Vision has been created to serve as a guiding document for food related change across Cape Breton Island. It was created with diverse communities and practitioners and aims to represent many and various voices, landscapes, and experiences through our shared vision, values, and commitments. This collaborative process is the first phase in an initiative to design and implement a Food Action Plan.
Are you interested in learning more about how the IFN arrived at this food vision and process?
Are you interested in learning about what comes next?
The IFN has produced a report, Co-Creating a Shared Food Vision for Cape Breton-Unama’ki. This report is an overview and synthesis of the Island Food Network’s food policy action from 2017-2020. It is intended to serve as a key resource for the development of a Food Action Plan, a tool for deepening relationships, alignment and accountability. The associated, ongoing collaborative process will shape a set of shared goals, activities, and measurable outcomes, which will guide policies, programs and practices for the short and long term future for food in Cape Breton-Unama’ki.
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